Common concepts of component models
September 2002

    This paper discusses common basic concepts found on a set of different component models:  JavaBeans, COM, EJB and CCM. It provides an overview of the basic features found on component models in general and then gives more detail about these concepts in the context of these particular component models.

1.- Introduction

   Many component technologies exist today. Among them, some of the most well known include Microsoft's COM [COM] and .NET [NET], Corba's Component Model [CCM] and Sun's JavaBeans [Beans] and Enterprise JavaBeans [EJB]. These technologies target different types of applications, from the visual assembly of client-side applications to the construction of complex server-side applications. Since all these technologies claim to be component-based, it is interesting to question what are the common concepts that exist among them. The study of these common concepts is not an easy task mainly because these component technologies are described in large specifications which often make an excessive emphasis on implementation details and not so much on the concepts. This paper will discuss common concepts between the following technologies:

  • JavaBeans: Sun's Component Model oriented towards the construction of applications in a visual way. This technology appeared around 1996 to provide the extra standards needed by Java to be used as part of a component environment.

  • COM: Microsoft's Component Object Model which appeared in the mid 90's [COS] resulting from earlier tentatives to solve needs such as embedding Windows applications within each other. COM is a binary standard, so it supports components written in different languages to interoperate. Initially the model only supported "local" distribution, that is communication in the same machine by different processes, but was later extended to suport physical distribution and its name was changed to distributed COM or DCOM [DCOM] (in this paper, only basic COM is discussed). The ideas introduced by COM have inspired other successful component models like Dassault Système's Object Modeler [OM] and Gnome's Bonobo [Bonobo].

  • EJB: Sun's Component Model oriented towards the construction of distributed server-side applications. This model introduced many facilities for adding certain non-functional aspects to the components, such as security, distribution and persistence. It also introduced a more 'formal' deployment model than the standard JavaBeans one.

  • CCM: The Corba Component Model which, as EJB, is oriented towards the construction of distributed server-side applications. This model is very similar to EJB in many aspects. One important difference with EJB is that CCM supports multiple languages since it is built on top of CORBA.

   The next section gives a brief discussion on the features that characterize components, section 3, 4 and 5 will discuss components at three levels : components at the type level, at the instance level and at the deployment level. Section 6 will also discuss issues relative to the component framework.

2.- Components

   One of the main promises behind components is reuse. The basic idea is that applications should not be built from the ground-up, but they could rather be built like electronic circuits, where some integrated circuits are bought and wired among each other, creating connections among their ports. This appealing idea sounds simple but unfortunately its realization is not, starting with the difficulty of finding a definition of what a component is in the software realm. In the litterature, there exists no consensual definition for this concept, instead, many definitions for the word component can be found, each reflecting a particular point of view. Some people consider that components can be source code units, altough the models studied in this paper all follow a "black-box" approach where the source code is not available. This approach is close to the definition for components given by Clemens Szyperski:

"A Software Component is a unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies only. A software component can be deployed independently and is subject to composition by third parties" [SZY]

   This definition, however, misses some aspects that will be discussed in this paper. In particular it doesn't mention explicitly that components, like object oriented classes, can create instances (something that has no equivalent in the hardware realm), that they can be customized or that non functional-properties can be defined for the components. In this paper, components will be studied under three points of view:

  • Components as types (instance template). A Component type is used to create instances usually with the help of a factory [GAMMA]. A Component type includes the external view of a component, that is its interface, and defines the way that this interface is implemented. This interface describes what is provided and what is required by the component type and its instances. A component type can have properties that are applied at the type level, and in particular this concerns non functional properties which affect all of the instances of the component type.

  • Component as instances: this is comparable to objects in the object-oriented world. Component Instances connected between each other give rise to applications. In the component world, instances can be persistent and accessible through a key that identifies them. Component instances are sometimes embedded into a container which is a mechanism to deal with the non-functional properties defined for the component type from which the instance originates. Instances may also receive a reference to their context, which represents the 'place' where they are executing. This context often serves as an interface to access the component framework.

  • Component as deployment units: Normally deployment units are used to package component types and not instances. These deployment units are often used as a delivery mechanism too.

   It is important to underline that in the litterature, the word component is often used when referring to either the instances, the component types or the bundles. This leads to many confusions, and for that reason this article will try to be rigorous in pointing out if a discussion is relevent to a component instance, type or deployment unit. In case the word component is used without precision, it is supposed to make reference to the component type level.

   The component framework is a software infrastructure that provides runtime services to the components and to their instances. These framework services include:

  • Component type localization

  • Instance localization

  • Introspection : facilities to analyze the features of a component or of a particular instance of this component.

  The next section begins with a discussion of components on the first level that was mentioned, that is at the component type level. It compares the different models with respect to the way they define a type and the way they create instances.

3.- Component types and factories

   A component type is a concept similar to a class in the object oriented world. The component type is defined by the external view of a component, which is built from a set of ports, and the way these ports are implemented. Depending on the component model, the external view may only offer a single kind of port such as an interface, or it may give a more complete description of what the component provides and requires and about its properties.

  The implementation of a component type is often hidden from clients to enforce the use of interfaces. This, however, poses a problem for clients who cannot create instances of the implementations. To solve that issue and to add flexibility, the factory pattern is often used to create the component instances and each factory is associated to a particular component type. Factories are special objects (normally singletons) whose responsability is to create instances of a particular component type. Being objects, they have an interface which can include properties that would be equivalent to static properties (shared by all instances) in standard object-oriented classes. This pattern is discussed thoroughly by Gopalan Suresh Raj in [Raj]. The use of component factories also introduces the need of location for these factories, which must in consequence be uniquely identified (a factory being associated to one component type, this means that component types are uniquely identified too).

   Some component models allow the addition of the so called non-functional properties, such as distribution, security and persistence to component types. These properties are added to the component type without the need to modify the code of the implementation. When instances of the component type are created, they are embedded in what is called a container which is responsible for handling these non-functional aspects, often by acting as a proxy between the client and the component instance and capturing the calls to the component instance.

   The following paragraphs give a bried description of the way these features appear in the component technologies studied in this paper.

JavaBeans :

JavaBeans component types are standard Java classes that have certain constraints such as a no-parameter constructor and that follow a set of naming conventions on their methods. The name of the methods implemented by the JavaBean class describe the different characteristics (ports) of the JavaBean instances: their callable methods, event sources, event sinks and properties. A JavaBean component, as any standard Java class, can implement several interfaces, however, all of the methods of the interfaces must be implemented by a single object.

In the JavaBeans component model, there are no factories for creating instances of the component types, instead there is a factory method provided by a particular class (java.beans.Beans). JavaBeans are not registered in a registry, they are found by following the standard Java classpath, this results in the fact that only one version of a JavaBean can be available.


COM components are characterized by the fact that they can implement different interfaces and that these interfaces need not to be implemented by a single object. COM interfaces are described in an Interface Definition Language (IDL) where every interface is identified in a precise way by a unique number (UUID). A COM interface describes the methods that can be called on the component instance, but does not describe the required dependencies of the component. COM makes a strong emphasis in the fact that a published interface can never change, and the fact that a component can implement several interfaces is proposed as one solution to solve the problem of interface evolution.

In COM, component types are associated to COM Class Factories (also known as Class Objects), which allow instances to be created. Factories must implement a particular interface called IClassFactory which provides a method to create the instances, though other specialized interfaces can be provided too. These factories are also associated a unique identifier called a CLSID so that they can be retrieved (COM also provides a mechanism called Monikers to avoid coupling a client to a particular implementation). The Windows registry is used to register the COM factories.


EJB component types are different from COM ones by the fact that an Enterprise Java Bean cannot implement multiple interfaces. An EJB component provides a unique interface to its clients, called the remote interface. The implementation of this interface is called the Enterprise Bean Class.

In the EJB component model, component instance factories are called homes. In a similar way to COM's factories, EJB homes provide a method to create instances. In addition to the creation of instances, homes allow the search of entity instances, which are named and persistent. When instances are created, they are embedded inside a container that is responsible for handling non functional aspects.

Since EJB is a distributed component model, the retrieval of a component must be done by doing a distributed lookup with the help of a JNDI server. EJB are identified in a particular naming context.


CCM component types introduced an innovation with respect to other component models: the possibility for a component to implement several times the same interface. For this purpose interfaces (called Facets) along with the other ports that define a CCM component type are named. The other named ports that are declared by a component type are: Receptacles to connect a component instances between each other, Event Sources and Event Sinks and Attributes.

In CCM component instances are created through factories that are also called homes. Homes provide methods for creating, removing and searching component instances. As in EJB, component instances are  embedded inside a container.

CCM is a distributed component model, components are retrieved by doing a distributed lookup.

   This section has described components as units of instantiation called component types. The characteristics that have been found in the different models are the following:

Characteristic \ Model
Existence of component
type concept ?
Use of factories to create
instances ?
Factories provide method
to recover named
instances ?


(standard factories)


Non functional properties
can be attached to the
component type ?


(standard COM)


Table 1. Summary of features at the type level.

  The next section will give more detail about component instances and the way assemblies are created by connecting these instances.

4.- Components instances, assemblies, containers and contexts

   The previous section has discussed component factories as a means to create component instances. Instances are the 'real' entities from which component-based applications are built. There are two ways in which the instance of a component can be connected to another instance: through instantiation and association. Instantiation occurs when a component instance request the creation of another component instance. This is usually done by first doing a lookup on a factory and then a call on the creation method. Association occurs when a third party connects two instances by passing references to the component instance. This of course is a simplified vision, since an instance that creates another one through instantiation can then act as a third party to connect other instances. An assembly is a graph of connected instances.

   There are often discussions about component models being recursive. In this paper, a component model is considered to be recursive if an assembly can become the implementation of a component type. This can be done at the code level or in a descriptive way, in which case it is said to be direct. The mechanisms needed for direct recursivity allow the ports in the external view of the component to be connected to elements in the assembly [CER].

   Certain models place the component instances inside containers, which are special objects that play the role of  proxies between the clients of the component instance and the instance itself. Containers intercept the calls that are targeted to these instances (or to their factories) and then act for example by checking security restrictions and refusing a call to a particular method.

   The concept of context is different to that of container. The context is not a proxy between clients and a particular instance, it is rather a provider of services for an instance and can act as a bridge to the component framework. The container can, however, be the provider of the context for the instances.

   The following paragraphs describe how these aspects are represented in the different component models:

JavaBeans :

In JavaBeans, component instances are used for two different things: to become prototypes for other instances (as it was described in the previous section) and as elements in an assembly. The JavaBeans model promotes assembly creation through association, with a third-party connecting instances between each, although instantiation relationships can exist too. Assemblies can be stored in a special XML format, the JavaBeans model, however, is not considered to be recursive directly since this format doesn't allow the assembly to become itself a JavaBean (this can be done programmatically though).

It is possible to serialize a JavaBeans instance to later use it as a prototype, in that case the instance (which is not uniquely identified) is indistinguishable from the component type. The JavaBeans model doesn't support instance lookup, that is the possibility of finding a named instance.

In the JavaBeans model there is no concept of container, instances are connected directly to each other. A later addition to the specification introduced the notion of a context which allows the creation of hierarchies of component instances, this context can also provide services to the instances that it contains. To be included in a context, the JavaBean must implement a particular interface, so contexts are not used by default.


In COM, an instantiation model is followed to connect component instances between each other since facilities to locate factories are provided. The code that creates instances of other components is normally the implementation of a component type itself, so this model supports recursivity in a direct way. Two different techniques are used to build a component type out of instances of other component types: containment or aggregation [WHI].

COM supports a mechanism similar to JavaBeans for creating instances from a serialized state, that is a prototype. In JavaBeans, prototypes are searched automatically upon instance creation, in COM, however, the client must use a particular method (CoGetInstanceFromFile) and provide a file name. COM doesn't provide a standard mechanism to find named instances.


The EJB model organizes component instances in different categories:

  • Stateless session: An instance created only for a limited period of time which has no state, so that its only goal is to be a service (receive values through method calls and return a result). This instance might be shared.

  • Stateful session: An non-shared instance created only for a limited period of time which has a state. The typical example for this is a kart in an e-commerce application

  • Entity: A persistent instance identified by a "primary" key that is unique. The state of the instance is typically stored in a database. This type of instance must be destroyed explicitly.

Every time an instance is created, it is placed inside a container that implements a set of non-functional policies. The container interposes itself between the clients of the instance and the instance itself and captures the calls to the instance methods. The container itself is placed inside a server that gives it access to the infrastructure. A bean instance receives a context that allows it to do things such as lookups on the homes of other EJBs.

As in COM, some Enterprise JavaBeans are created specially to create instances of other components (typically by the application assembler [ROM]), though these assemblies are done at the code level and there is no standard way to describe them.


The Corba Component Model has categories of instances similar to those introduced by EJB, it also introduces a persistent non named type of instance (called a process). In the same way, instances are placed inside a container.

In CCM assemblies are described in a special file called an assembly descriptor. Since CCM component types describe the interfaces that a component instance requires, called the receptacles, the assembly descriptor allows graphs of instances of components to be described. CCM doesn't support recursivity since an assembly cannot become the implementation of another component type.

   This section has described the instance level in component models. Even though instances are never mentioned as being of importance in component definitions, they clearly play a major role in the models studied in this paper. The following table summarizes characteristics related to the instance level in the component models studied in this paper:

Characteristic \ Model
     COM     EJB        CCM  
Instances can create other
component instances ?
Assemblies described ?
Recursivity supported
directly ?
(yes at code level)
(yes at code level)
(yes at code level)

Named Instances available ?
Persistent instances ?
(for prototypes)
(for prototypes)
Instances are placed inside a
container ?
Instances receive a context ?
(unless explicited)
Table 2. Summary of features at the instance level.

5.- Deployment units

    The definition given by Clemens Szyperski about a component (see section 2.) explicitly states that the component can be deployed in an independent way. This aspect is extremely important to allow a component to be reused in different contexts. Sometimes, the deployment unit is considered to be the component itself, for example in the COM vocabulary, the word component makes reference precisely to the deplyoment unit. It must be noticed that these units are tipically used to deploy component types and not instances (except for prototypes). To be deployed, a component must be first delivered (transferred) to a particular location, this paper considers that the delivery and deployment units are the same.

    Deployment units often contain information (called meta-information) about their contents, about their dependencies and about their version number. This information is necessary for the person or the application that manages the deployment units to know if the dependencies of the component are resolved so that there will be no problems during instantiation. When components are delivered as "black boxes" (their source code is not available), it is also necessary to provide some kind of mechanism to allow changes in the component properties to be done so that the component can be fitted to the particular environment where it is deployed. This mechanism takes shape as a file that can be modified and that is sometimes called a deployment descriptor. The deployment step frequently includes the registration (or publishing) of the components (through their factories) included in the deployment unit so that they can be used by clients, though this registration can also happen dynamically, that is during execution.

    Altough Szyperski's definition states that a component can be deployed independently, in the different component models studied in this paper, deployment units can contain several components. The following paragraphs give a more detailed description on the way these aspects are expressed in the different models:


JavaBeans are delivered in a special file called a JAR file that contains: the binary code of the components, serialized instances (prototypes) and resources. This JAR file also contains a special file called a Manifest that gives basic information about the component types that are contained along with their dependencies inside of the JAR file. Versioning and information about other types of dependencies is not treated in the JavaBeans component model.

Deployment of JavaBeans is done by placing the JAR files on a path that is searched by the JVM when it loads classes called the classpath. There is no explicit registration of the components types and this means that only the first occurrence of a component type will be loaded and also that only one version of a component type can  exist at a particular moment.

JavaBeans doesn't provide mechanisms to change properties in the components other than through prototypes (described in the previous section).


COM binary modules are referred as COM components which are the dployment units in the COM model. They take shape as two different kinds of files: EXEs (executable) and DLLs (dinamically linked library). These deployment units can contain several components types and their associated factories.

COM supports the dynamic registration of factories, this means that a factory can be registered during execution. Factories are registered in the windows registry along with the CLSID number that identifies component types.

Version information can be included in the deployment file, although this is not mandatory, which can cause problems.


Enterprise JavaBeans are delivered in an EJB-JAR file which is the same kind of file used to deliver standard JavaBeans. EJB-JARs are used to deliver a single component or an application (a collection of inter-dependent components). The EJB-JAR file contains a deployment descriptor that gives information about the beans it contains. This information specifies for a component the location of its remote interface, its home and of its implementation. It also describes the policies that the container must apply on the components and that can be changed depending on particular needs.

When a bean is deployed, the home is registered in a naming service with the help of a nickname which the client will use to find the home in a particular naming context. Inside the deployment descriptor, it is possible to express dependencies at the component type level.


CCM component types are delivered in a Zip file called a component package. Assemblies are delivered in an assembly archive. The component package file contains a deployment descriptor similar to EJBs, altough in CCM there are no dependencies at the component type level since component types describe their receptacles, that is the ports that need to be connected by a third party that interprets the assembly information.

    This section has described how deployment is realized in the different component models studied in this paper. The following table summarizes this comparison.

Characteristic \ Model
    COM     EJB        CCM  
Deployment unit can
contain several instantiation
units ?




Deployment unit contains
meta-information ?
Deployment descriptor
with settable properties ?
Table 3. Summary of features at the deplyoment level.

    The next section focuses on the component framework, which is the infrastructure that provides runtime services to the components.

5.- The Component Framework

    The previous sections have discussed components at tree levels : the instance, the type and the deployment unit. Components, however, need a set of runtime services to operate. These services might be accessible to the component instances through a context passed to the instances or by means of a global API. The containers that surround component instances also need services provided by the component framework. Among the services provided by frameworks, the following can be mentioned:

  • Factory and instance lookups (middleware services)

    •  Factory and instance lookups are particular cases of a more general service which allows searches to be done for different types of objects or resources. These lookups are themselves a particular case of a  broader set of services provided by an infrastructure such as a middleware.

  • Introspection facilities

The way these features are implemented in the different models is the following:


JavaBeans instances don't receive a context reference by default, and the framework services are rather provided by some classes that have static methods. These classes are java.beans.Beans and java.beans.Introspector. In JavaBeans there is no concept of factory, so the framework classes only allow requests for creation of instances based on a component type. Introspection information is obtained in two different ways, either through standard Java type information or by including a special class along the bean when it is packaged. This particular class, called a beaninfo is responsible for providing the introspection information, and the introspector will first look for it when information about a component is needed.

When BeanContexts are used, JavaBeans instances can use them to request services that are registered with the context.


In standard COM, factory lookup is done through the COM API which is accessible to every instance. Introspection facilities mainly include the possibility to ask an instance if it implements a particular interface (QueryInterface).


In the Enterprise JavaBeans model, the component framework provides support for the containers and the instances they contain. The instances can access the component framework through the context they receive which allows them to access their home object. They can obtain other homes by using a JNDI naming context. The container uses services provided by the framework, which in this case is a middleware, to apply the non-functional requirements of the components.


The role of the CCM framework is very similar to the EJB one. One difference is that the underlying middleware is Corba. CCM component instances may not be able to do factory lookups to internally create other instances, since they expect to be connected externally through their ports.

6.- Summary and Conclusions

    This paper has described a comparison between four component models: JavaBeans, COM, EJB and CCM. These models were compared at three different levels : component type level, instance level and deployment level. Their frameworks are also compared briefly. From this conceptual comparison, a series of common features arise:

Component Type
A template for instance creation which includes:
- External view : provided and required interfaces, properties
- Internal view : implementation of external view
- Non functional requirements
Component Factory
Creation, destruction and retrieval of component instances
- Named
Component Instance
Created from component types through factories
- Named
- Persistent
- Sharing
Surrounds a component instance and becomes a proxy between the clients of the instance and the instance by intercepting calls and applying non-functional requirements.
Provides services to the component instance
- Bridge to the component framework
- May be provided by the continer
A graph of component instances connected between each other through their ports.
- Can become the implementation of a component type.
Deployment unit
Used to deliver component types (including their factories) and their resources.

- May contain one or more component types
- Contains meta-information about the contained component types
       - External view
       - Dependencies (between component types and environment)
       - Version information

Component Framework
Provides runtime services to the component instances and their containers, can be built on top of a middleware such as CORBA.
- Factory lookup
- Introspection facilities
- other services (persistence,etc...)
Table 4. Common component concepts.

    Altough these features don't appear in every model (in particular the containers), the features on this list should be expected to exist in any component model. This list is also useful to provide a way to compare other component models.

    It is interesting to notice that some of these features exist in object-oriented languages too. With the exception of containers, contexts ,the component framework as a well defined entity and deployment units with meta-information, the rest of the concepts are not really new. New languages such as the ones introduced by Microsoft in the .NET framework are incorporating some of the concepts mentioned here, particularly at the deployment unit level, where meta-information has now become standard.

7.- Bibliography

[Beans] Sun Microsystems, "JavaBeans Specification", Version 1.0.1, 1997

[Bonobo] "Bonobo Component Model" :

[CER] H. Cervantes, J.M. Favre, F. Duclos "Describing Hierarchical Compositions with the Beanome Language", Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Composition (SC 2002), April 2002 Grenoble, France.

[CCM] "Corba Component Model" :

[COM] Microsoft "Component Object Model" :

[DCOM] Thuan L. Thai, "Learning DCOM", O'Reilly & Associates, 1999

[COS] "The Evolution of Components"

[EJB] "Enterprise Java Beans":

[GAMMA] E. Gamma et Al., "Design Patterns : Elements of reusable Object-Oriented software", Addison Wesley, 1995

[NET] Microsoft "the .NET framework":

[OM] Remy Sanlaville, "Software Architecture: An industrial experimentation  with Dassault Systèmes" (in french)

[Raj] Gopalan Suresh Raj, "The Factory Method (Creational) Design Pattern"

[ROM] Ed Roman, S. Ambler, T. Jewell "Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans, Second Edition", Wiley Computer Publishing, 2002

[SZY] Clemens Szyperski and Cuno Pfister, "Special Issues in Object Oriented Programming" Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming at ECOOP 1996

[WHI] Andrew Whitechapel, "Containment and Aggregation", CodeGuru website

Last update: 17 September 2002