Exercise 1: Creating The ChatClient GUI Part 2 (Level 3)

In this exercise, you will implement the basic event handlers for the chat rom application. At this stage in the development of the ChatClient GUI, you will need to create the following event listeners listed in "Exercise 1: Creating the ChatClient GUI Part 2 (Level 1)" on page Lab 11 - 2.



Task 1 - Modifying the ChatClient Program

Using a text editor, modify the ChatClient class source file in the project directory. This class must implement event listeners listed in "Exercise 1: Creating the ChatClient GUI Part 2 (Level 1)" on page Lab 11 - 2.


    1 .   Import the java.awt.event package.

import java.awt.event.*;
public class ChatClient{
    //your code here


    2 . Add the ActionListener for the Send button. This listener must extract the text form the text field and display that text in the text area. Use an inner class for this listener.

private void launchFrame(){
    //GUI component initalization code here
 sendButton.addActionListener(new SendHandler());
    //more code
private class SendHandler implements ActionListener{
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e){
         String text= input.getText();
         output.setText( output.getText() + text+ "\n");

   3.    Add the ActionListener for teh text filed. Can you use the same listener in Step 2?

private void launchFrame(){
    //GUI component initalization code here
 input.addActionListener(new SendHandler());
    //more code

         In this solution, the SendHandler inner class was reused to reduce redundant code.


    4.   Add the WindowListener to the GUI frame. This listener must exit the ChatClient program. Use an inner class for this listener.

private void launchFrame(){
    //GUI component initalization code here
 frame.addActionListener(new CloseHandler());
    //more code
private class CloseHandler extents WindowAdapter{
    public void windowClosing ( WindowEvent e ) {


  5.   Add the ActionListener for the Quit button. this listener must exit the ChatClient program. Use an anonymous inner class for this listener.

private void launchFrame(){
    //GUI component initalization code here
 quitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
       public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e){
  } );
  //more code

Notice that in this solution, the CloseHandler was not reused because the Quit button requires an ActionListener rather than a WindowListener. How could you have satisfied both listener interfaces using the CloseHandler class?.


Task 2 - Compiling the ChatClient Program

On the command line, use the javac command to compile the ChatClient program.

            javac ChatClient.java


Task 3 - Running the ChatClient Program

On the command line, use the java command to run the ChatClient program. Test the behavior of the event listeners you added.

             java ChatClient