Exercise: Creating the Chatclient GUI, Part 3 (Level 2)
In this exercise, you will enhance the GUI for a chat room application. You will complete
the GUI for the ChatClient
by adding a Choice component and two menus.
Task 1 - Modifying the ChatClient Program
Using a text editor, modify the ChatClient source file in the project directory. This class
must implement the GUI design in Figure 12-1 of Level 1.
Add the username Choice component under the Send and Quit buttons. This component
enables you to select a name that is posted with every chat line taht you enter. Add
several username options including your full name and a few nicknames, such as
Grand Poobah or Java Geek.
Enhance the listeners for the Send button and TextField to write the username to the output
TextArea component.
Add the File menu. This menu must include a Quit menu item that terminates the program when
(Optional) Add the Help menu. This menu must include an About menu item that pops up
a simple dialog box, which displays a comment about the program and about you, the developer.
Task 2 - Compiling the ChatClient Program
On the command line, use the javac command to compile the ChatClient program.
Task 3 - Running the ChatClient Program
On the command line, use the java command to run the ChatClient program.
You should see the GUI shown in Figure 12-1 of Level 1. If your GUI does not look exactly like
the figure, then edit the code to tweak the design to match this figure.