Exercise 2: Creating a Heterogeneous Collection of Customer Accounts (Level  1)

In this exercise, you will create a heterogeneous array to represent the aggregation of customers to accounts. That is, a given customer can have several accounts of different types.

Figure 6-2 Customer With One or More Different Accounts

Figure 6-2 shows the UML class diagram of the relationships between bank, customers, and accounts. What has changed is that a Customer object may now have more than one account and these accounts may be of different types, subclasses of the Account class.

Your job is to modify the Customer class to support a heterogeneous collection of Account objects.


Before you begin, make sure that you have changed directories to projects/BankingPrj/ using the cd command  in the terminal de window.

cd ~/ projects/ BankingPrj/

Task 1 - Modifying the Customer Class

Using a text editor, modify the Customer class source file in the directory. Modify the src/com/mybank/domain Customer class to handle the accounts association with generic multiplicity; just as you did in the "Exercise 2 - Using Arrays to Represent One-to-Many Associations ( Level 1 )" on page Lab 5-6. It must include the public methods:

Task 2 - Copying and Completing the CustomerReport Class

Perform the following:

  1. Make the src/com/mybank/report/ directory.

  2. Copy the CustomerReport.java file from the resources/mod06_class1/ directory into the src/com/mybank/report/ directory.

  3. Using a text editor, complete the CustomerReport.java code. You will find comment blocks that start and end with /*** ... ***/. These comments indicate the location in the code that you must supply.

Task 3 - Copying  the TestReport Class

Copy the TestReport.java file from the resources/mod06_class1/ directory into the src/com/mybank/test/ directory.

Task 4 - Compiling  the TestReport Program

On the command line, use the javac command to compile the test program.

Task 5 - Running  the TestReport Program

On the command line, use the java command to run the test program. You should see the following output.

Customer: Simms, Jane
Savings Account: current balance is 500.0
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Customer: Bryant, Owen
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Customer: Soley, Tim
Savings Account: current balance is 1500.0
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Customer: Soley, Maria
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Savings Account: current balance is 150.0