Exercise 3: Creating a Batch Program (Advanced)

In this exercise, you will create a batch program to accumulate interest for each savings account on a monthly basis.

Note - This is an advanced exercise. This exercisie is optional and should only be attempted if you completed all of the previous exercises for this module.

Figure 6-3 shows the dependencies between the class used by the TestBatch program.

Figure 6-3 Class Dependencies for TestBatch Program


Before you begin, make sure that you have changed directories to projects/BankingPrj/ using the cd command  in the terminal de window.

cd ~/ projects/ BankingPrj/

Task 1 - Modifying the SavingsAccount Class

A savings account gains interest. The bank permits customers to store money in a savings accoun and, on a monthly basis, the savings account will accumulate based on the following formula: balance = balance + (interestRate * balance). Add the acculateInterest method to perform this operation.

Task 2 - Creating the AccumulateSavingsBatch Class

Perform the following:

  1. Make the src/com/mybank/batch/ directory.

  1. Using a text editor, create the AccumulateSavingsBatch.java code. Here is the pseudo-code for the doBatch method:
for each Customer in the Bank do
    for each Account in the Customer do
        if the Accunt is a SavingsAccount,
                        then call the accumulateInterest method

Task 3 - Copying  the TestBatch Class

Copy the TestBatch.java file from the resources/mod06_class1/ directory into the src/com/mybank/test/ directory

Task 4 - Compiling  the TestBatch Class

On the command line, use the javac command to compile the test program.

Task 5 - Running  the TestBach Program

On the command line, use the java command to run the test program.
You should see the following output.

Customer: Simms, Jane
Savings Account: current balance is 500.0
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Customer: Bryant, Owen
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Customer: Soley, Tim
Savings Account: current balance is 1500.0
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Customer: Soley, Maria
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Savings Account: current balance is 150.0

Customer: Simms, Jane
Savings Account: current balance is 515.0
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Customer: Bryant, Owen
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Customer: Soley, Tim
Savings Account: current balance is 1612.0
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Customer: Soley, Maria
Checking Account: current balance is 200.0
Savings Account: current balance is 157.5