Exercise 1: Applying Static Members to a Design (Level 1)

In this exercise, you will apply static class members to resolve a design decision. The Banking Project uses currently a concrete class to represent the concept of a bank, which contains the set of customers of the bank. The project team has decided that this is a risky design because it would be possible to instantiate multiple Bank objects each with the potential to contain different sets of customers.

The design team has decided to make the Bank class a utility class. A utility class is one that is not instantiated and all of its members are static. Figure 7-1 shows the new design for the Bank class. Your job is to program these changes to the Bank class and to all of the classes tha use the Bank class.


Before you begin, make sure that you have changed directories to projects/BankingPrj/ using the cd command in the terminal window.

cd ~/projects/BankingPrj/

Task 1 - Modifying the Bank Class

Using a text editor, modify the Bank class source file un the src/com/mybank/domain/ directory. Modify the Bank class to convert instance members (both attributes and methods) to static members.

Task 2 - Modifying the CustomerReport Class

Using a text editor, modify the Customerreport class source file in the src/com/mybank/report/ directory. Modify the CustomerReport class to use the Bank class a utility class.

Task 3 - Copying the TestReport Program

Copy the TestReport .java file from the resources/mod07_class2/ directory into the src/com/mybank/test/ directory.

Task 4 - Compiling the
TestReport Program

On the command line, use the javac command to compile the test program.

Task 5 - Running the TestReport Program

On the command line, use the java command to run the test program. Yo should see the same output from previous tests as shown in "Task 4 - Compiling the TestReport Program" on page Lab 6-14.