General information / Información general:
- Phone:
(+52) 55 5804 4600
ext 1138
- Fax:
(+52) 55 5804 4640
- Contact
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa, San Rafael Atlixco
Nº 186, Col. Vicentina, C.P. 09340 Delegación
Distrito Federal, Mexico
- SNI: Candidato (2005-2009), Nivel 1 (2009 - 2011, 2018 - 2021, 2022-2024)
- Prodep: 2005, 2013, 2018
Education / Formación:
Publications / Publicaciones:
Teaching / Docencia:
Grants / Proyectos patrocinados:
- 2017 Collaboration project with Estafeta
- 2005 Awarded a LAFMI grant in collaboration with Didier Donsez for the project "Service Binder NG: Extended Management of Services for Autonomous Systems"
Work experience / Experiencia laboral:
- 2010 - 2011 Sabbatical at Quarksoft, a Mexican CMMi level 5 software development company.
- 2005- Today Professor
and researcher at the Universidad Autonoma
Metropolitana Iztapalapa in Mexico City
- 2004-2005
professor and researcher at the Universidad Autonoma
Metropolitana Iztapalapa in Mexico City (From Sep. 2004 to Nov. 2005)
- 2004 Guest
researcher at LSR Laboratory, Adèle team (3
months, from April to June).
- 1998-1999
Laboratory assitant at the LICPOS
laboratory in the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana -
Iztapalapa, worked in the development of signal processing software for
- 1993
Work at Multix
(Mexico City), as a software
Consulting / Consultoría:
- 2018 - 2019: Consulting project at SoftServe to help them analyze and improve architectures and also worked on topics related to architecting ML systems
- 2017: Consulting project at Estafeta to help them migrate one of their core systems and ti improve architectural capability
- 2009 - 2015 : Visiting researcher at Quarksoft,
a Mexican CMMi level 5 software development company. My primary tasks
are related to helping them with the adoption of software architecture
methods and practices and also establishing a lightweight innovation
- 2005 Development of a SMUX peer for an SCO SNMP Agent for Interoperabilidad S.A. de C.V. The peer was developed in C. The project lasted around 2 months.
Certifications / Certificaciones:
Please follow this link for Software Engineering Institute (SEI) certificate holders list.
Training / Capacitaciones:
The following is a list of training courses that I have attended at the Software Engineering Institute:
- 2019:
- Machine learning 101
- Managing Technical Debt of Software
- 2017:
- Design Guidelines and Patterns for Microservices
- QUELCE: Planning fro Change, A New Era in Cost and Estimation
- 2016:
- Big Data: Architectures and Technologies
- Designing Modern SOA Systems
- 2015:
- DevOps & Continuous Delivery – Software Architecture, Security and Interactive Learning
- Engineering Run-Time Malware Detection
- 2013:
- Architectural Implications of Cloud Computing
- Economics-Driven Architecting
Languages / Idiomas:
- I fluently
speak, read and write
Spanish, English and