Component and Service orientation
Definitions, comparison and ways to combine these two approaches
March 2004

The following discussion is based on the paper by H. Cervantes and R. S. Hall entitled "Autonomous Adaptation to Dynamic Availability Using a Service-Oriented Component Model," which was accepted at the International Conference on Software Engineering 2004.

Component orientation

Component orientation promotes the construction of applications as compositions of reusable building blocks called components. Although there is no universal agreement on the definition for this term, the definition formulated by Szyperski [Szyperski1998] is widely referenced in literature:

“A software component is a binary unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies only. A software component can be deployed independently and is subject to composition by third parties.”

Component orientation makes a distinction between component developers and assemblers, which are the third parties referenced in the definition above. Since component developers and assemblers may reside in different companies, it is necessary to deliver components as binary units to avoid source code release. A fundamental assumption of this approach is that the construction of an application is based on components that are physically available to the assemblers when composing (i.e., assembling) the application.

A Component
Figure 1. A component

In the majority of industrial component models, such as EJB [Sun2001], CCM [OMG1999], and COM [Box1998], components are similar to object-oriented classes in the sense that they can be instantiated and that their instances can be stateful. A composition is created by an actor that instantiates some component instances, usually from a component factory, and then customizes and connects these instances to each other in some appropriate fashion.

To support composition, a component must provide information that describes the external structure of its instances, such as provided and required functional interfaces, and configuration properties (see figure 1). The description of the external structure, or external view, is used by the application assembler to connect and customize the various component instances that form a composition. Composition is performed using either a standard programming language or a specialized one. Hierarchical composition is achieved when the external view of a component is itself implemented by a composition. Figure 2 represents a component composition as a series of component instances that are connected to each other and whose configuration properties are set; in the composition, component instances are seen from their external view only as implementation details are irrelevant

Component composition

Figure 2. A component composition

Components are delivered and deployed independently in package as binary code along with their required resources, such as images and libraries. When installed, a component may require some deployment dependencies to be fulfilled before it can be instantiated.

Finally, component instances require an execution environment that provides run-time support, normally through what is known as a container [Conan2001]. Run-time support includes life-cycle management and handling of non-functional characteristics such as remote communication, security, persistence, and transactions. The container usually interacts with a component instance through control interfaces following the inversion of control pattern [Fowler2004] (see figure 3).

Figure 3. A component instance inside a container

Service Orientation

Service orientation shares the component-oriented idea that applications are assembled from reusable building blocks, but in this case the building blocks are services. A service is functionality that is contractually defined in a service description, which contains some combination of syntactic, semantic, and behavioral information. In service orientation, application assembly is based only on service descriptions; the actual service providers are located and integrated into the application later, usually prior to or during execution. As a result, service orientation focuses on “how services are described and organized in a way that supports the dynamic discovery of appropriate services at run time.” [Burbeck2000].

Service oriented interaction pattern
Figure 4. Service-oriented interaction pattern

To support dynamic discovery, service orientation is based on an interaction pattern between three different actors; these actors are service providers, service requesters, and one or more service registries (see figure 4). Service providers publish their service descriptions into a service registry so that clients can locate them. Service requesters interrogate the service registry to find service providers for a particular service description. If suitable service providers are present in the service registry at the moment the request is made, the registry returns a reference to one or more service providers so that the service requester can select and bind to any of them. When the service requester binds to the service provider, the provider returns a reference to a service object that implements the service functionality.

Service orientation promotes the idea that a service requester is not tied to a particular provider; instead, service providers are substitutable as long as they comply with the contract imposed by the service description. Another fundamental characteristic of service orientation is that services exhibit dynamic availability, since they can be added or removed from the service registry at any time. Consequently, running applications must be capable of releasing departing services or of incorporating newly arriving services.

service composition

Figure 5. Flow-based service composition

Since a service-oriented application is built by composing service descriptions, it is an abstract composition that only becomes concrete at run time. Service composition can be realized through standard programming languages, although a flow-based approach (e.g., processes) is favored in the domain of web services [Curbera2001]. Figure 5 depicts a flow-based service composition; service invokations are based on service descriptions and data and control and data flow are managed by a coordinator. Hierarchical service composition is achieved when a service composition itself implements a service description. Finally, some service platforms provide notification mechanisms used to inform service requesters of the arrival or departure of the services, others use the concept of a service lease, which means that service availability is guaranteed only for a determined time period after which the lease must be renewed.

A service-oriented platform provides an infrastructure that enables applications to be built following service-orientation principles. Examples of such platforms include the CORBA Trader [Stratton1998], Jini [Arnold1999], OSGi [OSGi2003] and more recently web services [Curbera2001].

Comparing component and service orientation

The two previous sections present two different approaches for constructing applications from reusable building blocks. These two approaches promote reuse by creating a separation between building block development and application assembly.

Two fundamental differences exist, however, between these two approaches. The first one concerns the fact that in component orientation, applications are assembled from building blocks that are integrated at the moment of assembly, while in service orientation integration occurs prior to or during execution, since only service descriptions are available during assembly. As a consequence of this, service orientation places a stronger emphasis on service description and the separation between description and implementation; this enables better support for run-time discovery and substitution. Run-time component discovery and substitution are not primary concerns in component orientation, so a separation between the component's external view and its implementation is less strictly enforced.

The second difference is that in service orientation building blocks exhibit dynamic availability, since services can be registered or unregistered from the service registry at any time. This is not the case for component orientation, where the hypothesis that components may arrive or depart during execution is typically not supported. This results in the fact that service composition has a more dynamic nature than component composition. Dynamism in service composition includes explicit support for incorporating new services that become available during execution or releasing departing services that are unregistered from the service registry. Of course, a certain degree of dynamism is possible in component orientation, but this is not explicitly supported and must be done programmatically.

Another difference concerns the fact that in component orientation, the separation between component and instance is explicit. This separation requires that component instances are explicitly created. In service orientation, service object creation is implicit and not even considered by service requesters.

Finally, packaging is an important activity in component orientation, since it is required that a component, along with its required resources, is independently deliverable and deployable. Service orientation does not consider delivery and deployment aspects since it is supposed that these activities occur prior to service registration and lookup.

Combining components and services

Component and service orientation are two non-exclusive approaches that can be combined. Figure 6 depicts how a possible combination of these two approaches can be achieved. In this figure, a flow-based service composition is used as a component implementation. Instances from such a component can then be used to build an application using component composition.

Service composition as component implementation
Figure 6. Service composition used as component implementation

Introducing service concepts to a component model introduces creates new challenges for component orientation, including dealing with aspects such as dynamic discovery and adaptation to dynamic availability. The benefit of such an approach is that it is a way to introduce dynamic availability in a component model [Cervantes2004a]. These ideas are the foundations for the Service Binder.


[Arnold1999] Arnold, K., O'Sullivan, B., Waldo, R. W., and Wollrath, A., "The JINI specification", Addison-Wesley, 1999

[Box1998] Box, D., "Essential COM," Addison-Wesley, January 1998.

[Burbeck2000] Burbeck, S., "Evolution of Web Applications into Service-Oriented Components with Web Services," Online Document, October 2000. (

[Cervantes2004a] Cervantes, H. and Hall, R. S., "Autonomous Adaptation to Dynamic Availability Using a Service-Oriented Component Model," to be presentat at the International Conference on Software Engineering 2004.

[Conan2001] Conan, D. and Putrycz, E. and Farcet, N. and DeMiguel, M., "Integration of Non-Functional Properties in Containers," in Sixth International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP), 2001.

[Curbera2001] Curbera, F. and Nagy, A. and Weerawarana, S., "Web-Services: Why and How," in Workshop on Object-Oriented Web Services, August 2001. (

[Fowler2004] Fowler, M., "Inversion of Control and the Dependency Injection Pattern," Online Document, 2004. (

[OMG1999] Object Management Group, "CORBA Components: Joint Revised Submission," August 1999.

[OSGi2003] Open Services Gateway Initiative, "OSGi Service Platform", Specification release 3, March 2003

[Stratton1998] Stratton, D., "The OMG CORBA Trader Service", technical report, School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, University of Ballarat, Australia, 1998

[Sun2001] Sun Microsystems, "Enterprise JavaBeans Specification Version 2.0," Online Document, August 2001. (

[Szyperski1998] Szyperski, C., "Component software: beyond object-oriented programming," ACM Press, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1998.

Last update: 01 March 2004